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The Explanation Of The Fundamentals Of Islamic Belief
Sheikh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen |
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 95 | Size: 2 MB
The Explanation Of The Fundamentals Of Islamic Belief:
discusses the fundamentals of faith, by outlining and detailing the
objectives of the Islamic ‘Aqeedah. Numerous references are made to
the Qur’an and authentic Ahadith, for establishing the sincere
intention and worship to Allaah, liberating the mind and thought
from the irrational and chaotic losses, establishing peace of mind
and sound thinking, safeguarding the intentions, learning to
establish a strong Ummah (community), achieving happiness in this
life and the hereafter, and more.
The Declaration Of Faith
Saleh Bin Fawzaan
al-Fawzaan | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 56 | Size: 1 MB
The Declaration Of Faith: The testimony of “Laa ilaaha
ill-Allah”, its meaning, prerequisites, conditions, and fruits.
The Tenets Of Faith Creed Of Ahlu Alsunnah And Aljamah
Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen | Language:
English | Format: PDF | Pages: 89 | Size: 2 MB
The Tenets of Faith, Creed of Ahlu Alsunnah and Aljamah: This
Book Present Pillars of the Islamic Believes in a very Simple way.
Take Your Beliefs From The Quran And Sunnah
Muhammad Jameel Zeeno |
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 119 | Size: 1 MB
Take your Belief from the Quran and Sunnah: a booklet
containing important questions of religious beliefs, the writer replied
it was seeded with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah; to reassure the
reader to answer correctly; because the doctrine of unification (Tawheed)
is the basis of His Excellency rights in this world and the Hereafter.
Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah
Imam Ibn Taimiyah | Language:
English | Format: PDF | Pages: 59 | Size: 2.5 MB
Sharh Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah: The eminent scholar of Islam,
Sheikh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taimiyah, discusses the real & original faith
of Islam according to the Qur’an & Sunnah. The real faith in Allah and
his religion Islam is to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah strictly. Any
scholar who adds or attributes or alters any basic fundamental of Islam
is wrong & deviates from the teachings of Islam. Every Muslim and
non-Muslim must read this book to get the real light of Faith.
The Authentic Creed And The Invalidators Of Islam
Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin
Baz | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 29 | Size: 1 MB
The Authentic Creed And The Invalidators Of Islam: The most
important matter for every Muslim is the correctness of his beliefs.
Islam established on the basis of sound creed and it opposes all false
superstitions and erroneous systems of belief. Thus, it is essential for
every Muslim to make certain that his beliefs are correct and in
accordance with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (S). This
small but important book covers all basic information and we hope that
readers will recognize the importance of this treaties by Shaikh Ibn Baz.
Al-Qadaa And Al-Qadar – Fate And Destiny
Muhammad Metwalli Al-Sharawii |
Language: English |
Size: 2MB |
Pages: 70 |
Format: PDF
The meaning of Al-Qadaa and Al-Qadar:
when mentioned separately both mean the predestination
(pre-decree) of an action or event. When used together
Al -Qadar refers to the pre-decree of an action or event
before it occurs and Al-Qadaa refers to the act or event
after it took place. If our actions are already
pre-decreed, where is the free will? Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta’ala sent Messengers to guide mankind to the truth,
and we are given the choice of believing and obeying the
command or rejecting the truth. Allah already knows
which path we will take, as it is recorded in the Lawh
Al-Mahfuz. If Al- Qadar is already written for us, what
is the benefit of making Dua? The answer to this
question by the scholars is that, since we know that
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is in charge of all affairs
and is able to do all things, we ask Him and Him Alone
when we are in need. He already knows who will ask Him
and who will not and how He is going to answer our Dua.
On the other hand we do not know if our Dua will be
accepted, will it be answered immediately or a trial
removed or differed to the Hereafter. The scholars have
further explained events that will take place if the
appropriate steps are taken to make them happen. This
book will inshAllah shed essential light on what is an
obligatory belief for all muslims.
Weakness Of Faith
Sahih Al-Bukhari
| Language: Arabic – English | Format: CHM |
Pages: 4050 | 9 Volumes| Size: 8 MB
Generally regarded as the single most
authentic collection of Ahadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari
covers almost all aspects of life in
providing proper guidance from the messenger
of Allah. This 9-Volume Bukhari is the work
of over 16 years by Imam Bukhari who before
writing any Hadith in this book performed
two Rakat prayer of guidance from Allah and
when he was sure of the Hadith’s
authenticity, he wrote it in the book.
Tremendous amounts of errors exist in the
translations by other translators.
Book of Emaan
By Shaikhul Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah.
The source of all evil is the deviation from
the truth and its straight path. The goodness of all matters is
the following of truth and adherence to its right way. Truth is
the fixed state in which Allah has created every creature in a
particular way and managed its affair in a certain manner. Allah
is Perfect and exempt from any deficiency or error. This book
aims to elucidate the pillars of Emaan (basis of belief, faith)
and the characteristics of Kufr (disbelief) and its causes.
Al-Wala Wal-Bara (Part: 1-2-3)
Muhammad al-Qahtani | Language: English
| Format: PDF | Pages: 296 | Size: 2 MB
The book deals with the concept of Loving for the sake of Allah and
hating for the sake of Allah. It was originally submitted for a
Masters Degree at the Department of Aqeedah Umm al Qorah University
in Makkah. The subject matter of this work is of paramount
importance and utmost interest for two major reasons: Firstly, it is
concerned with one of Islam’s main foundations, namely the qualities
of al‐wala’ wa’1‐bara’, which are two major prerequisites of true
faith: al‐wala’ is a manifestation of sincere love for Allah, His
prophets and the believers; al‐bara’, on the other hand, is an
expression of enmity and hatred towards falsehood and its adherents.
Both are evidence of iman.
Aqeedah Al-Haamawiyah
Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah | Language:
English | Format: PDF | Pages: 44 | Size: 1 MB
One of the works on this subject is his “al-Fatwaa
al-Hamawiyyah” which he wrote as an answer to a
question presented to him in the Hijrah year of 698
from Hamaah, a place in ash-Shaam. In it, he was
asked what the scholars and Imaams of the religion
say concerning the Aayaat and the Ahaadeeth of the
Siaat, or the attributes and characteristics of
Allah. So he answered in about 83 pages and due to
which, he suffered trials and afflictions.
Belief in the Angels
Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan
This is a complete
translation of a short treatise called, ‘al-Eemaan bil-Malaa’ikah wa
Atharuhu fee Hayaat-il-Ummah’
Although this treatise is short in size, it
provides many proofs and evidences for the descriptions, duties and
general characterisitics of the angels.
Our Belief Concerning The Sahaabah
Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad | Language: English |
Format: PDF | Pages: 20 | Size: 1 MB
Allâh (SWT) chose for accompanying him and taking knowledge from him a
people who are the best of this nation, which is itself the best of all
nations. Allâh (SWT) honored them by allowing them to ac-company His
Prophet (saw). He favored them in this worldly life by giving them the
opportunity to see him and hear his hadîth directly from his noble
mouth….This is the bounty of Allâh which He
bestows upon whom He wills, and Allâh possesses the great-est of
bounties. Indeed the Companions conveyed from Allâh’s Messenger (saw)
that which he was sent with from guidance in the most complete and
perfect form. They will have the greatest of rewards due to their
companionship of Allâh’s Messenger (saw), their fighting in Jihâd along
his side, and their noble actions in spreading Islâm.’
Strengthening Of The Faith
Dar-us-salam Publications | Language:
English | Format: PDF | Pages: 80 | Size: 1 MB
Strengthening Of The Faith: The author refers to the Quranic verses and
Ahadith by interpreting them in a very simple and comprehensible style,
and also brings to light the true status of all the unlawful customs and
rituals which are commonly practiced in the society and are detrimental
to the faith of Tauhid. Tauhid (Oneness of Allah) is the basis of the
Islamic religion.
Explanation of A Summary of Al-Aqeedatul Hamawiyyah
Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah | Language:
English | Format: PDF | Pages: 139 | Size: 1 MB
One of the works on this subject is his “al-Fatwaa al-Hamawiyyah” which
he wrote as an answer to a question presented to him in the Hijrah year
of 698 from Hamaah, a place in ash-Shaam. In it, he was asked what the
scholars and Imaams of the religion say concerning the Aayaat and the
Ahaadeeth of the Siaat, or the attributes and characteristics of Allah.
So he answered in about 83 pages and due to which, he suffered trials
and afflictions.
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