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The Kabaah: From The Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)
Till Now
Fathi Fawzi’ Abd al-Mul’ti |
Language: English
| Size: 5MB
| Pages: 158
| Format: PDF
It is a grand host to guests
from the four corners of the world. It stood
resolute against those who sought to destroy it.
It warmly received those who honored it, and it
salutes those who visit it today. Physically, it
is the most central point of the earth;
spiritually, it represents the Muslims as a
united body, with the Almighty Foremost in our
minds. It bears testimony to the Prophets’ call
to absolute monotheism, and binds nations and
tribes invincibly; its resilience has stood the
test of time. This is the Ka’bah - Allah’s
Sacred House.
Jerusalem In The Qur’an

Imran N. Hosein |
Language: English
| Size: 1MB
| Pages: 143
| Format: PDF
Jerusalem in the Qur’an is a
great book that thrilled and delighted me in a
number of ways. I am surprised that such a
meticulously documented book had to wait for
such a long time before seeing the light. It is
now more than half a century since the Zionists
began their appalling oppression and ethnic
cleansing of the Palestinian people whose only
offense is that they happened to live in a
country considered by the Jews to be their
promised holy land. The Zionists have
continuously referred to distorted scriptures
from the Torah and other Biblical material to
justify their atrocious behavior and to motivate
the Jews to establish a State of Israel that
extends from the Nile to the Euphrates with
Jerusalem as its capital. For example, David Ben
Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, is
quoted to have said, “The Bible is our deed to
the land of Israel”. Muslim scholars, on the
other hand, have largely failed in refuting
Zionist claims from authenticated historical and
religious sources and have also failed to
accomplish their religious responsibility in
clearly documenting this question from the Holy
Qur’an and the Blessed Ahadith of our beloved
Prophet (PBUH). As far as I know, whatever is
written on this subject is rather superficial
and emotionally tainted or simply stating facts
in a cool manner. May Allah Ta’ala reward
Brother Imran Hosein for writing this scholarly
document, which will indeed fill up this
intellectual and religious gap and serve as an
academic reference to Muslims in all parts of
the world. As I write this introduction, this
book that was published only this year is
already being translated to Arabic and Bosnian.
In a short time it will be rendered into other
European languages and to all the other tongues
of the Islamic world.
The Battles Of The Prophet (pbuh)
Imaam Ibn Kathir
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 221
Size: 7 MB
This Book is extracted from
the Book of Imam Ibn Kathir ‘Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah’
one of the most important texts written about
the History of the World until the time of the
author. As with many Translation of Ibn Kathirs
Works this is an Abridged version without
impairing the contents of the book. All of the
Prophet’s battles occurred after the Hijrah,
within a span of ten years.
The Islamic Openings

The Islamic Openings
(Al-Fatuhat Al-Islamiyah)
Translated By Heba Samir Hendawi
A historical book, detailing the “openings” (or liberations) of key
Islamic cities in the glorious history of Islam.
The Evolution of Fiqh

In this book the
author presents a brief overview of the historical development of
Islamic Law and its schools. The book identifies the main reasons for
the appearance of the Madh-habs and the factors leading to differences
among them.

Really! Amazing! Incredible! What? - are
exclamations that come out often as one feels the impact of this great
exposure and indictment of Zionism and the Christian church. The author
conveys much of her points by the very words of the people she talks
about. To avoid quoting out of context, she uses many lengthy extracts.
The result is a very fair, balanced and objective presentation. None can
deny that this is the greatest assault on Judaism and Christianity both
in theory and practice coming from a Muslim pen for a very long time.
How has she set about it? Firstly, it must be mentioned that the
author’s history places her at a position of advantage to perform such a
task. She grew up in a Jewish family, a member of the Jewish minority in
Christian America and then embraced Islam. Being a near insatiable
bibliophile as well entitles her to a claim of inside knowledge of the
three faiths. All these assets are brought into good use here. The
lengthy chapter on Judaism is a well-documented outline of Jewish
beliefs, culture, complexes, deviations and history. The author provides
an analysis of the background to the rise of Zionism and how a racist
religion, garbed with modern political and military sophistry and bred
on the support of Western treachery and collusion, has grown into the
menacing monstrosity of Zionism. The second chapter contains the post
energetic refutation of Christianity that I leave ever come across. It
is a historical, a moral, an academic and indeed, an outright refutation
of Christianity. The author answers the usual Christian accusations
against Islam with even greater vehemence. In this, one sees how much
she detests the apologetic approach of answering back. Rather she throws
the whole table on the Christians. She gives a lucid and highly
informative analysis of the aims and moods of operation of the Christian
missionary. The last chapter rounds off beautifully her arguments
against racist Judaism and neo-imperialist, man-made Christianity. She
presents Islam as the only authentic religion through which mankind can
be united. This book is Maryam Jameelah’s best work to date.
The History Of Palestine

Fawzy Al-Ghadiry | Language: English |
Format: PDF | Pages: 70 | Size: 2 MB
This study of the History of Palestine stresses on the right of every
human being to return back to his homeland, and to stress that the right
of return and ownership of lands and homes is an eternal, individual and
collective right that no occupation, state, treaty, agreement can
gainsay, as every occupation no matter how long it lasts, and no matter
how strong it is, is doomed to extinction. The study tackles the history
of Palestine since the dawn of history till our contemporary time, it is
a part of a large book entitled “Connecting Voices”, written by a young
Tunisian author and writer called Fawzy Al-Ghadiry. The goal of the book
is to identify the religion of Islam in a simple and easy to understand
way, also and more important acquaint the reader with many facts about
the Middle East, such facts that reach them distorted and twisted, due
to Zionist meddling that alters and forges incidents. The aim of this
book is to inform the westerns of the truth about what is happening in
the Middle East. In addition to conveying the point of view of the Arab
and Muslims to them, directly and without the interception of the
scissors of the Zionist censor. On that basis, the book is divided into
11 chapters, each of which tackles the most important issues that the
American and all the westerns should know.
The Islamic Openings

AbdulAziz Al-Shinnawy | Language: English |
Format: PDF | Pages: 377 | Size: 8 MB
The Islamic Openings: This books cover the historical events of
the Islamic Openings through which the word of Islam reached out the
whole world. It represents the real Islamic attitude during the war, and
real intentions of those openings.
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