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The Choice Islam And Christianity – Volume ( One & Two )

Author: Ahmed Deedat | Language: English | Format: PDF| Pages: 498 | Size: 17 MB
The Choice – Islam and Christianity: Two Volumes, By Ahmed Deedat, An excellent book discussing Islam and Christianity in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.


101 Contradictions in the Bible

Maktabah Publications | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 22 | Size: 1 MB

101 Contradictions In The Bible: A factual book listing 101 contradictions in the Bible.

.::First 10 Contradictions::.

1.Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?

(a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1)
(b) Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)

2.In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?

(a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
(b) One million, one hundred thousand (IChronicles 21:5)


Answers to “Born-Again” Preachers

# Author: Yusuf Estes | # Language: English | # Size: 1MB | # Pages: 18 | # Format: PDF

The simple beauty of understanding where people are coming from in their thinking and having proper knowledge of Islam and the methodology of explaining Islam (menhaj ad dawah), is demonstrated here to show how close some of the statements against Islam are to actually in fact verifying the proof that Islam is the only correct religion with Allah. These questions are from a man that Allah has been testing with belief in Christianity & Islam. The answers are provided from Today Islam’s Sheik Yusuf Estes. As we will see, many times the very objections and complaints that others have about Islam, can actually be used to support the correct teachings of Islam. The problem comes from the fact that all too often we do not know enough about what the people are meaning and not enough about our own religion. Notice the art of agreeing at the correct points and then bringing about a clear understanding in the other points without alienating the other person.


Is The Trinity Doctrine Divinely Inspired?

This publication, “Is the TRINITY DOCTRINE Divinely Inspired?”, should serve as food for thought to every right minded person and the followers of Modern Christianity. The concept of the Trinity has baffled every Christian denomination. Although Mr. M. A. C. Cave was a Christian who believed in the Trinity before, when he carried-out his research into the origin of this doctrine, he discovered to his utter amazement that it was a later development conceived and engineered by various Christian writers and thinkers. Mr. M. A. C. Cave builds up evidence that the Trinity is nothing but a man- made doctrine that falls short of being a revelation from God. Subsequently, this tailor-made doctrine lost its angularity on account of built-in contradictions and proved thorny on the side of Christian hierarchy in general and the clergy in particular who are trying to prop it up. It is unacceptable on the part of the right thinking person to hold to this dogma inspite of all its flaws. Man being rational, he should be more critical of issues of spiritual aspect which are vital to his life. He should attempt to peep into others religious scriptures around for a convincing truth. And, he should not let himself be a victim of complacency and blind faith as in the past.


Islam And Christianity

Islam accepts all the Prophets and believes in the Divine origin of the great religions of the world. It is, therefore, with feelings of profound reverence and love for both Jesus and Muhammad for the religions which they preached that the author of this book has attempted a comparative study of Christianity and Islam. If at times she disagrees with Christians, it is not over the religion of Jesus Christ, but over the somewhat altered shape and features that it developed after the departure of Christ. In the words of Lord Headley, ” Islam and Christianity, as taught by Christ himself, are sister religions, only held apart by dogmas and technicalities which might very well be dispensed with.”


The Status of Jesus (phub) in Islam

The Status of Jesus (phub) in Islam
By Dr. Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee
Completely Revised and Updated

About the Book:
In this brief treatise, the author sets out to clarify Islam’s true position towards Jesus, which is the middle course between two extremes. At one extreme there are those who believe that Jesus is God, the Son of God or part of a divine trinity while on the other extreme there are others who slander him and deny his message.

The correct belief regarding Jesus as confirmed in the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings is that he was no more than a prophet and messenger of God sent with the same message as all the prophets before him such as Moses, Abraham and Noah. That message was to worship God alone and avoid false deities. This is the one true unwavering message of the Creator to His creation throughout the course of time, and it is the same message that Jesus brought to his people and which Muhammad brought to his people after him.


Combat Kit

A concise pamphlet entitled ‘Combat Kit’ – designed as a quick reference book when conversing with Christian preachers.
Shaykh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (July 1, 1918 – August 8, 2005) was a Muslim scholar of comparative religion, an author, lecturer, and an orator. He was best known for witty inter-religious public debates. In 1957, Deedat, together with two of his friends, founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and remained its president until 1996.


Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction

Sheikh Deedat challenges one of the most strongly held beliefs of the Christians and contends that the theory of crucifixion is no more than a myth.

Shaykh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (July 1, 1918 – August 8, 2005) was a Muslim scholar of comparative religion, an author, lecturer, and an orator. He was best known for witty inter-religious public debates. In 1957, Deedat, together with two of his friends, founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and remained its president until 1996.


Christ in Islam: Desert Storm, Has it ended?

Taken from introduction: Once more the plans of a dictator have been dashed – dashed in the desert sand with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Desert Storm will be remembered, by those involved, for years to come. But, it is not the first desert storm. A storm has been raging in the desert for more than 2000 years over a man called Jesus (peace be upon him) and his mission. Disputes concerning the nature of Christ have deluged the earth with the blood of millions of people since his birth (Matthew 2:16). What then is the Muslim standpoint regarding the personality of the Prince of Peace – Jesus?

# Author: Ahmed Deedat
# Language: English
# Size: 1MB
# Pages: 66
# Format: PDF

If words have any meaning, do we need to add another word of comment to prove our case? No! But the professional propagandists, after letting the cat out of the bag, still have the face to try to make their readers believe that they have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt that the Bible is the “irrefragable Word of God.” Their semantic gymnastics – equivocating, and playing with words – is amazing. In this book Ahmad deedat takes a critical look at bible text and highlights the many contradictions, additions and deleted verses therein.


Is the Bible God’s word

# Author: Ahmed Deedat | # Language: English | # Size: 1MB | # Pages: 66 | # Format: PDF

If words have any meaning, do we need to add another word of comment to prove our case? No! But the professional propagandists, after letting the cat out of the bag, still have the face to try to make their readers believe that they have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt that the Bible is the “irrefragable Word of God.” Their semantic gymnastics – equivocating, and playing with words – is amazing. In this book Ahmad deedat takes a critical look at bible text and highlights the many contradictions, additions and deleted verses therein.


The Islamic View Of Jesus

Author: Imam Ibn Kathir | Language: English | Size: 4MB | Pages: 109 | Format: PDF

Jesus the Miracle Baby, The Prophet of Allah his Second Coming are amongst many of the issues discussed in this book. As well as prophethood and apostleship, Jesus was honoured with many other great qualities and characteristics. The Quran says, with reference to his honour : ‘Remember when the angels said, ‘Allah is giving you the glad tidings of a word from Him, who’s name shall be Masih, I`sa (Jesus) alayhis salaam, Son of Maryam (Mary), honoured in this world and in the Hereafter and from the rank of those close to Him.’ TMQ 3/45. Imam Ibn Kathir adds, ‘Jesus’ rank was extremely high in this world and also in the hereafter. Jesus was given the Injil (Gospels) and the power to cure the leper and the blind and to bring back to life those who had already died, he was also helped by the angel Gabriel on many occasions.’ All this was part of worldly honour. He was also endowed with great wisdom and knowledge, as the Quran says: ‘And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom and Torah and Injeel (Gospels).’ 3/48. ‘Then Allah says, ‘O Jesus, the Son of Maryam (Mary)! Recount my favour upon you and your mother, when I strengthened you with the angel Gabriel so that you speak to people in childhood and maturity and when I taught you the book and wisdom and Torah and Injeel.’ 5/110. Imam Ibn Kathir(d.774/1352) has said, in explanation of this verse that I’sa (Jesus) was given the talent of writing and that Al Kitab in this verse actually means Al Kitabah, which refers to writing ,as it is a noun in the meaning of its verb, and this would signify that Jesus was not unlettered.


Muhammad (saw) In The Bible

| Author: Ahmed Deedat | Language: English | Size: 1MB | Pages: 17 | Format: PDF

Transcript of a lecture delivered by Ahmed Deedat. Shaykh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (July 1, 1918 – August 8, 2005) was a Muslim scholar of comparative religion, an author, lecturer, and an orator. He was best known for witty inter-religious public debates. In 1957, Deedat, together with two of his friends, founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and remained its


Series Of Prophecies In The Bible For The Advent Of Muhammad (pbuh)

| Author: M.A.C. Cave | Language: English | Size: 2MB | Pages: 50 | Format: PDF

The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is pleased to bring out this booklet, “The Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of prophet Muhammad (pbuh),” by Mr. M.A.C. Cave. This publication documents the various prophecies in the Bible on the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as Messenger of Allah (God). “Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.” (Malachi 3:1). It is a tributre to Mr M.A.C. Cave for his dedication and zeal in marshalling documentary evidences from the Bible conveying the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh). This booklet should serve as an eye-opener to those in quest of truth. Read this publication without the blinkers or prejudices, God’s willing, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Just One Message!

| Author: Dr. Naji I. Al-Arfaj | Language: English | Size:1MB | Pages: 36 | Format: PDF

This excellent book takes a look at the roles and attributes of God within the Christian and Muslim religions. For Christians it is a fundamental belief that there are three parts to the creator. This book attempts to investigate the source of this belief and distinguish whether these sources have any credibility.


Corruption Of The Torah

| Author: IslamWorld Publications | Language: English | Size:1MB | Pages: 16 | Format: PDF

A while ago, a Muslim brother forwarded a message he found on a Jewish net which attempted to prove the corruption of the Qur’an. The post attempted to show that Muslims are command in the Qur’an to kill all non-Muslims and FORCE them into Islam. A knowledgeable scholar of Islam, one who knows the context within which each verse was revealed would be able to refute these claims quite simply, however, I have decided that it is necessary to provide Muslims with the weapons they need to counter such attacks in order to not allow them to force us to always be on the defensive. But rather, be able to effectively launch an effective devastating OFFENSIVE strike at them as well when they try such games.


60 Questions For The Christians

| Author: Alharamain Foundation | Language: English | Size: 1MB | Pages: 12 | Format: PDF

According to most Christians, Jesus was God incarnate, full man and full God. Can the finite and the infinite be one? “To be full” God means freedom from finite forms and from helplessness, and to be “full man” means the absence of divinity.

1. To be son is to be less than divine and to be divine is to be no one’s son. How could Jesus
have the attributes of sonship and divinity altogether?

2. Christians assert that Jesus claimed to be God when they quote him in John 14:9: “He that
has seen me has seen the Father”. Didn’t Jesus clearly say that people have never seen God, as
it says in John 5:37: “And the father himself which Has sent me, has borne witness of me.


Islam And Christianity

| Author: Mrs. Ulfat Aziz-us-Samad | Language: English | Size: 1MB | Pages: 106 | Format: PDF

Islam and Christianity asserts the fact that Christianity, as taught by Christ himself (pbuh), and Islam are sister religions. Islam the true religion of Jesus (pbuh) revived by a fresh Revelation and perfected to cover all aspects of human life and to give guidance to the nations of all times. Islam is, in short, the universal religion. In the comparative study between Islam and Christianity, the reader will notice the tolerant approach of Islam toward other revealed religions.


Muhammed (pbuh)The Natural Successor To Christ (pbuh)

| Author: Ahmed Deedat | Language: English | Size: 2MB | Pages: 74 | Format: PDF

Successions are of many kinds like the birthright of the “first-born” as in Jewish law. Or the ascending of the eldest son or daughter to the kingly throne. Or by election, to select a candidate by the vote of the majority. Or Theologically, an appointment by Divine Decree of God’s chosen Messengers. Like the call of Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Muhummed (May the Peace and Blessings of God be upon them all) who were appointed or “anointed” in consecration to their office.


Muhammad (pbuh) In The Bible

Jamal A. Badawi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 50 | Size: 1.5 MB

I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. Upon whom to these characteristics of the awaited prophet apply? Upon Jesus or Muhammad (peace be upon them).


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Hindu Scriptures

Dr. Z. HAQ | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 10 | Size: 1 MB

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Hindu Scriptures.


Answering Those Who Altered The Religion Of Jesus Christ

Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taimiyah | Language: English | Format: PDF | 385 Pages | Size: 12.5 MB

Answering Those Who Altered The Religion of Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH): This book is one of the most important Islamic books which gives right answers about Christianity.


Jesus And Christianity In The Perspective Of Islam

Dar Abdul Rahman | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 41 | Size: 1 MB

Jesus and Christianity In the Perspective of Islam: This book guides those who misunderstood the teachings of Jesus and Christianity in the Perspective of Islam.


Jesus And The Bible

Rashaad Abdul-Muhaiman | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 21 | Size: 1 MB

Jesus And The Bible: Concise examination of the Christian texts as well as the Islamic perspective of the purpose and message of Jesus (PBUH).


Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger In The Bible

Kais Al-Kalby | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 583 | Size: 9.5 MB

Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger In The Bible: An incisive, thoroughly research and above all informative discourse on the subject of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.


Concept Of God In Major Religions

Dr. Zakir Naik | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 29 | Size: 1 MB

One of the distinguishing features of our civilization is the presence of a large number of religions and ethical systems. Mankind has always sought to understand the reason for creation and his own place in the scheme of things. A common feature of all major religions is the belief in a Universal God or Supreme Divine Authority that is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Followers of all major religions believe that the God they worship is the same God for them as well as for others.


The True Message Of Jesus Christ

Dr. Bilal Philips | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 101 | Size: 1 MB

The True Message Of Jesus Christ: An explanation of the ‘real’ message and relgion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur’an.


Relationships Of The Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus To Mankind

Zain Al-Abedeen Al-Rakabi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 112 | Size: 1 MB

Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus To Mankind (Peace And Blessings Be Upon Them).


The Life Of Isa ( Jesus ) In Light Of Islam

Ahmad Musa Jibril | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 27 | Size: 1 MB

The Life of Isa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam: The life of the Prophet Isa ( Jesus ) alayhe salam has been a topical issue of late in the media as well as in popular culture. There is a new awareness and heightened curiosity worldwide regarding the amazing life and miracles of Isa alayhe salam. His personality has impacted the three major religions of this world, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Given the importance of his time on earth, it is critical for mankind to fully understand his pivotal role in shaping history as well as the final days.


The Bible The Quran And Science

Dr. Maurice Bucaille | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 171 | Size: 1.5 MB

The Bible The Quran And Science: Written by a French surgeon, this work, one of the most important ever on Islamic and Christian studies, analyzes the scriptures in the light of modern scientific knowledge, looking for contradictions between established scientific facts and scriptural implication. The author analyzes creationism vs. evolution, astronomy, the conception in the womb, separation of water in subterranean Oceanic rivers and other issues. A thoroughly engrossing treatise, full of information on the subject and documentation to back up every point the author brings forth. English translation of ‘La Bible, Le Coran et La Science.”


What Did Jesus Really Say

Misha’al ibn Abdullah | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 299 | Size: 2.5 MB

The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the writings of Christian authors, the Church and the Bible. The book:

- Shows the historical sequence of who tampered and changed the Bible, why and how.
- Demonstrates how Prophet Jesus, alayhes sallam, never told in anyone in the Bible “worship me.” or “I am a god.”
- Demonstrates how the Bible to this day does not contain a single verse which claims that God is a “Trinity” or three-in-one.
- Shows how both the Old and New Testament repeatedly emphasized to mankind that God is ONE and commanded them to worship only one God.
- Shows how Jesus’ people repeatedly refer to him in the Bible as “A Prophet.”
- Shows how Jesus and Moses, alayhemas sallam, both made many prophesies of the last messenger. These prophesies have been shown to be impossible to apply to anyone but him. There are over ten such detailed prophesies.
- Shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls which were recently discovered in Palestine in 1947 and which were written by the Jews who were waiting for the coming of Jesus, alayhes sallam, clearly state that they were not waiting for one, but two prophets. The first would be announced by an eschatological prophet (John the Baptist). This statement is repeated throughout the scrolls. If you want the truth about Christianity you must read this book. This book also is an excellent dawah gift to Christians.


Women in Islam versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition:The Myth and the Reality

Sherif Abdel Azim | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 63 | Size: 1 MB

Five years ago, I read in the Toronto Star issue of July 3, 1990 an article titled Islam is not Alone in Patriarchal Doctrines, by Gwynne Dyer. The article described the furious reactions of the participants of a conference on women and power held in Montreal to the comments of the famous Egyptian feminist Dr. Nawal Saadawi. Her politically incorrect statements included : “the most restrictive elements towards women can be found first in Judaism in the Old Testament then in Christianity and then in the Quran” “all religions are patriarchal because they stem from patriarchal societies” and “veiling of women is not a specifically Islamic practice but an ancient cultural heritage with analogies in sister religions”.

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“Incline not unto those who do wrong, or the fires of Hell will touch you. You have no protector save Allah, and you will not be helped”

(Huud, 11:113)


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